Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Original Sins

As part of our series on how Indian movies have 'influenced' pop culture across the world, I present a few instances.

Before MTV broke the air-wave ceiling with Rancid's "Video Killed The Radio Star", the English music video was an idiom we called our own. Edgy editing techniques, captivating choreography, we showed the world how to put the funk in funkadelic.

Today the Superhero genre has seen a plethora of proliferations, from Christopher Reeve's simplistic Superman to the dark, confused Batman Begins. But has anyone thought of a musical Superman? Saving the world one pelvic thrust at a time?

Move over Whacko Jacko! Now we know what George Romero's inspiration was. This is what I don't like these Hollywood types. It's ok to get inspired by Indian auteurs. But at least have the decency of paying a homage to Chiranjeevi.

And finally, the Fab Four! Well, it looks like they were preceded by the Panch Pandavas. Led by Mr Paunch, good 'ole Shammi Kapoor. Now we know where those helmet-haircuts and those drain-pipe trousers came from!

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