Monday, August 21, 2006


After some 'inspired' posts, here's a real one.

Last night we celebrated Mi's birthday at S and Mi's place (corny as it sounds). Hoping we will have a chicken dinner, thanks to D's condition, we had carried a bottle of Sula white. Which we promptly polished off. And that's when the Bengali curse of alcohol-at-any-cost got the better of subtler points about the correct way of drinking wine. Throwing the menu to the wind, we opened another bottle of Shiraz red and polished off that too.

We exchanged vacation snaps, found new ways to download/exchange/post more vacation snaps. Plans are afoot to make a vacation 'film' with jpegs, grainy videos and 'post' interviews. Dunno how it will turnout. But it should be edgy, hilarious and creepy. That's my brief. (Note to myself: learn how to use MovieMaker)

Mc came back home with us last night. Was very sleepy and groggy on the way back, thanks to all those wines mixed up. Was still feeling sleepy this morning and the rest of the day. Which immediately reminds me of a bad thing I caused this morning. G insists it's ok and nothing to feel perturbed about. But thanks to a quasi-Freudian feeling, I am in a tearing hurry to fix it. Clean it. Erase all trace of it.

Methinks, I am going mad.

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