Friday, June 08, 2007

Battle at Kruger...the awesomest wild life video you will ever see!

The smackdown took place at an ordinary watering hole at Kruger national Park, where a small herd of cape buffalo were drinking and idling, wandering dangerously close to a pack of concealed lions that either did not smell very lion-like or, more probably, were crouching deliberately upwind. On the other side of the hole, six tourists and a guide watched in a parked range vehicle. The lions waited until the buffalo got close enough and then pounced, seizing the baby and scattering the adults. That's usually a game-ender for a baby buffalo, but things got even worse for this one as he struggled backwards, splashed part way into the water, and got his hind legs snagged by a pair of crocodiles. He somehow yanked free of them, but remained in the jaws of the lions until suddenly the adult cape buffalos stormed back in much greater numbers, dispersed the lions and made off with the remarkably unharmed baby.

This is not wildlife video. This is a thriller. This is Tarantinoesque! The video was shot by Dave Budzinski and his friend Jason Schlosberg while on vacation at Kruger.


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